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Sign up to practice Unlimited Performance Tests and Essays for the next bar exam using our Bar Exam Performance Test Simulator and Bar Exam Essay Simulator. We have exams sorted by subject and topic. You can even do the same question multiple times! Do them online or print them out 24 hours a day. Submit one at a time for customized feedback including a feedback form, a score graph, and model answer and much more within 48 hours. Review our feedback and send us another one! Handwriters can even fax us their answers! Free tutoring sessions with all packages! Sign up today and get a $3,000 custom website for your new law practice!
Real Testimonials From Previous Bar Exams!
"I passed!!! Thank you for your help." Reema Rehman Esq.
"I have recommended your program to everyone and am certain that barexamdoctor is the reason I passed. Thank you so much for all the help - this is such an amazing program." Jai Dadlani, Esq.
"I passed--in part due to your graders detailed comments. Your service was definitely worth my time and money. I have already recommended you to several people from my school (Pacific Coast University). Thanks again." Michael Lindley, Esq.
"I missed by 2 percentage points. I definitely want to continue with you -- I credit you with my improvement -- I probably would have passed if I had found you sooner." Priscilla Ross
"This was my third attempt at the California Bar and thanks to Bar Exam Doctor I passed!! I am extremely grateful for all the helpful tips which helped me pass the essay portion of the exam. Thank you!!!.
Reema R., Esq.
"I passed--in part due to your graders detailed comments. Your service was definitely worth my time and money. I have already recommended you to several people from my school. Thanks again."
Michael L., Esq.
"I recommend the Bar Exam Doctor if you need to drastically improve your scores. I went from mid 50s on my essays and PTs to passing the the Bar Exam after using their service."
Reuben A., Esq.
"I finally passed!"The Bar Exam Doctor graders gave me more extensive and helpful feedback on my essays and PTs than I received at any other bar review, including Barbri and Barwinners!