Practice unlimited Performance Tests using our unique online performance exam simulator to help experience the performance test like the day of the Bar Exam and send one in for grading. Once the Performance exam is graded, get back in there and send us another one! For performance tests, we have generated an online experience for our students to have access to the original file, library, and answer section for each question. We have even added a timer to keep on track. After their time is up, the exams are automatically sent to our graders for review.We have also included our promotional Bar Exam Doctor Survival Kit to help you with your studies and the days of the exam! We'll even review your last bar exam free of charge! Want to see how other students did on the same question? Now you can view hundreds of past graded answers! You can even chat with us to find if you wrote about the correct topics the week after the bar exam!
Practice unlimited Essays online using our unique online essay simulator to help experience the essay like the day of the Bar Exam and submit one in for grading. Once the essay is graded, a student can get back in there and send us another one! For essays, students can access an entire essay question and type their answer online. The student can even highlight and markup the question to help them mark important points in each question. Lastly, we have added a timer to keep on track. After their time is up, the exams are automatically sent to our graders for review.We have also included our Bar Exam Doctor Survival Kit to help you with your studies and the days of the exam! We'll even review your last bar exam free of charge! Want to see how other students did on the same question? Now you can view hundreds of past graded answers! You can even chat with us to find if you wrote about the correct topics the week after the bar exam!
Practice unlimited Performance Tests and Essays online using our unique online performance exam simulator and essay simulator to help experience the performance test and essay like the day of the Bar Exam and submit one in for grading. Once the exam is graded, the student can get back in there and send us another one! For performance tests, we have generated an online experience for our students to have access to the original file, library, and answer section for each question. For essays, students can access an entire essay question and type their answer online. The student can even highlight and markup the question to help them mark important points in each question. Lastly, we have added a timer to keep on track. After their time is up, the exams are automatically sent to our graders for review.We have also included our Bar Exam Doctor Survival Kit to help you with your studies and the days of the exam! We'll even review your last bar exam free of charge! Want to see how other students did on the same question? Now you can view hundreds of past graded answers! You can even chat with us to find if you wrote about the correct topics the week after the bar exam! We'll even get you a brand new website designed announcing your new law practice!
Practice unlimited MBES, Performance Tests and Essays online using our unique online performance exam simulator and essay simulator to help experience the performance test and essay like the day of the Bar Exam including practicing and submit one in for grading. Once the exam is graded, the student can get back in there and send us another one! For performance tests, we have generated an online experience for our students to have access to the original file, library, and answer section for each question. For essays, students can access an entire essay question and type their answer online. The student can even highlight and markup the question to help them mark important points in each question. Lastly, we have added a timer to keep on track. After their time is up, the exams are automatically sent to our graders for review.We have also included our Bar Exam Doctor Survival Kit to help you with your studies and the days of the exam! We'll even review your last bar exam free of charge! Want to see how other students did on the same question? Now you can view hundreds of past graded answers! You can even chat with us to find if you wrote about the correct topics the week after the bar exam! We'll even get you a brand new website designed announcing your new law practice!
Practice unlimited Essays online using our unique online essay simulator to help experience the baby bar exam essays like the day of the Baby Bar Exam and submit one in for grading. Once the essay is graded, a student can get back in there and send us another one! For essays, students can access an entire essay question and type their answer online. The student can even highlight and markup the question to help them mark important points in each question. Lastly, we have added a timer to keep on track. After their time is up, the exams are automatically sent to our graders for review. We'll even review your last baby bar exam free of charge!
Choose from over 600 multiple choice questions in total sorted by subject and taken from several past MBE tests (authorized by NCBEX) and do them online using our MBE Simulator. You can choose from several modes including flashcard version or timed test. Contact us today for more information!
Choose from over 600 MPRE questions and do them online using our Simulator. You can choose from several modes including flashcard version or timed test. Contact us today for more information!
Are you taking the bar exam soon? Not sure what to bring? Need studying materials? Well we think we have come up with the ultimate survival kit for all of your immediate bar exam needs. We hope that this kit will fulfill all of your studying needs and ease your bar exam experience. Click here to download a preview of the relaxation CD.
Do you have trouble studying for long periods of time? Do you have anxiety or have trouble dealing with the worrying and stress of the upcoming bar exam? Worried if you passed and having trouble doing anything fun? Well we think we have come up with perfect solution to your problem. Our in-house certified hypnotherapist has created a custom 3 CD series pack to listen to before, during, and after the bar exam. You'd be amazed how a little relaxation can effect your studying and stress in your life.
In addition to the performance exam and essay simulator, we offer tutoring by the Bar Exam Doctor and from other on-call physicians (experienced attorneys). The Bar Exam Doctor has been tutoring students for the past 10 years. The tutoring sessions will mainly focus on the student’s recent Performance Exams and Essays. A tutor can also be chosen based on the student’s location. We will attempt to place a tutor with a student who is located within a 5 mile radius (if possible!). Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
While most students can mentally prepare themselves for the Bar Exam, others need a little coaching. We have found that a few hypnotherapy sessions with our experienced hypnotherapist can help provide you with the skills needed to reduce your anxiety and focus your energy so you can pass the Bar Exam. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
"This was my third attempt at the California Bar and thanks to Bar Exam Doctor I passed!! I am extremely grateful for all the helpful tips which helped me pass the essay portion of the exam. Thank you!!!.
"I passed--in part due to your graders detailed comments. Your service was definitely worth my time and money. I have already recommended you to several people from my school. Thanks again."
"I recommend the Bar Exam Doctor if you need to drastically improve your scores. I went from mid 50s on my essays and PTs to passing the the Bar Exam after using their service."
"I finally passed!"The Bar Exam Doctor graders gave me more extensive and helpful feedback on my essays and PTs than I received at any other bar review, including Barbri and Barwinners!